Connect Day 25

13 May 2025 | Vienna, Austria


Connect Day 25


Startups have several opportunities to participate on Connect Day 25. A jury will evaluate and decide on all submissions!

  • Visitor Access - includes Matchmaking, Sessions & Networking

  • Pitching - application required

  • Investor Matchmaking - application required

Please find the detailed Admission Criteria for Startups HERE.


There will be two pitching stages on Connect Day 25: The Topic Stage and the Pitching Room.
Each pitch consists of 3 minutes pitching and 2 minutes Q&A.

How do I apply for pitching?
During the application process for Connect Day 25 (via the Apply button), you choose Yes when asked if you want to pitch at the event.

**What are the pitching criteria?
**See below on this page, under pitching criteria.

Where and when will I pitch?
After the end of the application period, a jury will choose from all startup applicants who will pitch during Connect Day and assign the pitching session as well as stage to each startup. The event team will contact all applicants and inform them accordingly.


  • January 16, 2025: start of pitch application (within event application process)

  • March 31,2025: end of pitch application

  • April 09, 2025: final decisions & further information to all applicants

  • April 18, 2025: latest date to receive information

Topic Stage

New and improved: this year we are focusing on 4 selected topics for the stage program. Moreover, each topic block is set up the same:

  • 5 minute intro into the topic

  • Interactive panel with experts and audience exchange

  • 6 Startup pitches, each followed by questions from the jury

Connect Day 25 topics are: DeepTech & Spin-off | GreenTech |
MedTech & LifeScience | B2B Saas & AI

Pitching Room

More information coming soon.


  • Young companies with less than 250 employees,

  • At least one self-developed product or service,

  • At least a prototype or minimal viable product (MVP) in place,

  • Competitive advantage through a technological leap (high grade of innovation),

  • Scaleable / highly scaleable,

  • Existing proof of concept (depending on the degree of innovation: patents, awards, test customers, first paying customers or significantly scaling sales).

  • Team should:

    • Have relevant experience / training in the areas required to implement the Startup, (including leadership positions),

    • be divers (age, gender, origin),

    • ideally have existing founder or deep industry experience.

  • Pitch deck: for evaluation purposes, each Startup is required to upload a pitch deck during registration. Even if the Startup only wants to attend and not take advantage of the pitching opportunities.

    • Upload PDF slides maximum 20 MB size

    • It should include: product / service, proof, business model, market/target customers/competitors, team, timeline (incl. previous funding and grants), capital/support requirements (incl. use of funds).


The Connect Day 25 is all about making new connections. Startups are able to see and request meetings with all participant types, except investors. However, investors see all startups and may initiate contact / meetings. ONLY startups selected by the jury may directly get in touch with investors.

How can I be selected for Investors Matchmaking?
Startups that apply for matchmaking with investors within the application process will be screened by a jury and informed accordingly.